Suffolk Humanists

For a good life, without religion

More couples tie the knot with Humanism (in Scotland)

Posted by Margaret on Wednesday, Jul 23, 2008

From Humanist Philosopher Julian Baggini’s Herald column; he doesn’t seem overly impressed by the increase in Humanist weddings in Scotland.

Humanist weddings, and other ceremonies, are unusual in that they provide a like-for-like replacement for what religions offer. Since people will always want to mark significant events in life in a shared, public way, once humanist weddings were made legal in Scotland it was inevitable that those who held broadly humanist views would take them up. But I do not expect humanism as a mass movement to gain much from this. The wedding statistics show the limitations as well as the strengths of humanism as an organised movement. The self-limiting paradox of humanism is that it is most popular when it does what religions would otherwise do; but it would not be humanism if it tried to do all that religions have done.

More Couples Decide To Tie The Knot With Humanism (from The Herald ).

Tags: Julian+Baggini, The+Herald, Weddings, Humanist+Weddings

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