Suffolk Humanists

For a good life, without religion

Car stickers show the way

Posted by Margaret on Monday, Sep 13, 2010

Car sticker

Suffolk Humanists and Secularists members are receiving car stickers this month. They’re printed with an easy-to-remember URL. Anyone who investigates will find it leads them to several sources of information about Humanism (click on the image to see where it takes you). An increasing number of people are either fed up with religion altogether, they’re indifferent towards it, or they’re rather confused. Maybe some of them will be pleased to know that there are many others who feel as they do, and that it’s not difficult to live a good life without religion.

Stickers are free to members or to anyone making a donation. Either click here to pay online, or [here to download a membership form]( SO form 2010.pdf “2010 membership form”) for you to post.

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