Suffolk Humanists

For a good life, without religion

Ontario Election Lost Over Promise Of Faith Schools

Posted by Margaret on Sunday, Oct 14, 2007

We reported that Newfoundlanders had banned faith schools, and a Conservative politician was fighting an election with the promise to bring them back. He lost.

The Canadian province of Ontario had an election this week, which resulted in a change of administration. The Liberals have taken over the reins of power after the Conservatives foolishly promised they would create a system of taxpayer-funded religious schools. The electorate reacted with extreme hostility to the idea, proposed by the aptly named Conservative leader John Tory.

Mr Tory tried during the election campaign to convince people that religious-based schools were a good idea. They didn’t agree and he not only lost the election for his party, but also his seat in the parliament.

National Secular Society – Ontario Election Lost Over Promise Of Faith Schools.

Tags: Faith+schools, Newfoundland, Canada, Election

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