The Association of Teachers & Lecturers position on Faith schools
Those strongly in favour of faith schools often cite the rights of religious parents, as taxpayers, to ensure that their child has State schooling within a school that promotes their faith. However, in areas where faith schools are over-subscribed, there is a real risk that non-religious parents, who are also taxpayers, do not have the same rights of access. Also, should the number of faith schools substantially increase, many parents may lose the right to ensure that their child goes to a community, non-faith school. Increased parental choice, whilst a mantra of the current government, is not without cost; one parent’s choice (and their ability to exercise it) has an impact on the choice of others. Ultimately, with regards to the more popular schools, choice is exercised far more by the school than by the parents.
Thanks to the NSS for drawing our attention to this.
Tags: Faith+schools, Education, Teachers’+union, ATL