Meeting in Ipswich Cambodian story
Event description:
Suffolk Humanist Nathan Nelson will report on his latest stint as a volunteer at the Sangkheum Centre for Children, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Nathan writes:
“I’ve been living and working in Cambodia for five months now. Cambodia is a country that constantly surprises, amuses and frustrates, where the few rich ride Lexus and Mercedes, while most of the population still live on a dollar a day or less. Despite widespread poverty, massive problems with HIV/AIDS and other diseases, a useless education system and miasmatic corruption, the Khmer people are kind, curious, cheeky and good-humoured, and the country is lush and beautiful. I have been working with young adults at an orphanage and education centre outside Siem Reap (Cambodia’s main tourist town and the home to the temples of Angkor) on training and developing them for life outside the orphanage, work and further education.
“I’d love to share progress on this project with you as well as some insights in to Cambodian life, people, food and language, with photos, video and music.”
We’ll be in Room 1 at Castle Hill Community Centre, Highfield Road, Ipswich.
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