Ipswich Meeting Jim Herrick on The Humanist Heritage
Posted by Margaret
Tuesday, Mar 25, 2008
Jim Herrick is former editor of New Humanist and International Humanist News. His books include Vision and Realism – A History of the Freethinker; Against the Faith: Sceptics , Deists and Atheists; Humanism : an Introduction (new edition shortly). He has spent the greater part of his working life in the Humanist movement. He is editor of a revised edition of the Humanist Anthology and co-editor of Seasons of Life – readings for humanist ceremonies.
We’ll be in The Hall at Castle Hill Community Centre, Highfield Road, Ipswich – through the front door, turn left, then right. If the front door is shut, press the buzzer to be admitted.
To offer or request a lift, email us.