Equality? Not yet
What’s this about, d’you think?
Critics say it is wrong for the Equality and Human Rights Commission to give taxpayers’ money to a controversial organisation whose stance would be found objectionable by many members of the public. Neil Addison, a Roman Catholic barrister who specialises in religious discrimination, said: “It’s a bit like paying the Taliban to lecture on women’s rights.”
This is from The Telegraph. I can imagine Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells, encouraged by Martin Beckford, Religious Affairs Correspondent for The Telegraph, hopping up and down, incandescent with rage, at the news that the BHA will get a grant from the Equality and Human Rights Commission for a series of four events about the place of religion in public life. Good grief! What’ll these uppity atheists want next? Complete equality? A totally secular society?
Can you imagine what would happen if a journalist produced such an incendiary article about Christians? You’d have questions in the House, Archbishop Williams praying non-stop for peace and reconciliation, Stephen Green suing the BHA (Oh sorry – he can’t – he’s got no money left). And if it was about Muslims! It’d be the Danish cartoons all over again. But write this junk about atheists, and silly Christian Telegraph readers will applaud. Oughtn’t to be allowed. Can’t we sue someone for non-religious hatred, or something?
Tags: Telegraph, Equality, BHA, Insults, defamatory