What will change everything?
The third of our stories since the new year to end with a question mark – over at Edge, some of our leading thinkers and scientists were asked the question what will change everything?. Answers range from the discovery of intelligent life from somewhere else through our ability to conquer death to superintelligence, universal translation, climate change and human-chimpanzee hybrids.
Someone has pointed out that a human-chimpanzee hybrid has already been achieved, his name is George, and an Iraqi journalist threw a shoe at him a short while ago.
One thinker suggests that nothing will change everything, another says just ‘a very very good battery’. Maybe he was having a bad day and his laptop died on him.
What would currently change everything for me would be heated socks and losing the ability to procrastinate. Whatever would change everything for you, the answers at Edge are characteristically mind-boggling and well worth a look.