For the Bank Holiday, if youve nothing better to do
Sorry I’ve neglected posting anything for a while, but you could have written something yourself, you know. I’ve been in a codeine-induced stupor, due to severe back pain. No advice thanks; just send chocolate.
So, anyhow, here’s some stuff for the bank holiday.
The hoo-ha over MPs’ expenses has, it seems, led many to become so disillusioned with British politicians that they say they won’t vote. Does that mean they’re happy to delegate any decision-making to those of us who do? Were they among the 38.72% who didn’t vote last time? Maybe, if you don’t vote, you’ve no right to express an opinion about how we’re governed. What do you think?
Of those who will vote, it’s been forecast that many will vote for one of the smaller parties – maybe UKIP, the BNP or the Greens. Nigel Farage, the MEP who spends all his time telling us why we shouldn’t be in t