9/11, abortion, cryonics, faith in politics, Hypatia and mobile phones
Here’s some stuff I’ve found on the Internet recently.
Stephen Howe wrote about the “reinvention of Islam” since 9/11 in New Humanist magazine. People have become defined by their religion, rather than their ethnicity, he says. He ends:
The caveat that all collective identities are potentially oppressive and dangerous, not just religious, and not least national, ones, surely requires little reiteration. Even so, personally, Id quite like to see the past decades wave of ethnic cleansing reversed. That is, I have no objection at all to Muslim neighbours, friends, fellow citizens but given the choice, on the whole Id prefer to get rid of them, and bring back the Sylhetis and Somalis, Turks and Tunisians I used to live with.
Phones 4U has been banned from using an advertisement by the Advertising Standards Authority because an illustration of Jesus winking and giving a thum